Day 181: Wednesday, September 7, 2011
This morning I posted the entry on T.B. about how I fucked up and ended two friendships, and especially about how bad I felt. Whether it was a coincidence or not, later in the afternoon I got an email from one of the friends, who I thought would never speak to me again, telling me about how recently when she was alone in her apartment in New York, she decided to make some tea. Randomly she chose one, and then sat down and took a sip. Suddenly she realized it was the tea that I had bought for her when she was visiting Tokyo last summer.
I remember that time pretty clearly. I took her out to my favorite ramen restaurant, and she mentioned she liked the tea they served there, so when she was in the bathroom, I went over to the counter and bought her some as a gift to take back home. Now, about 365 days later, after the realization had struck her, she was overwhelmed with sentiment and realized that she missed me.
Where a couple of my 2-3 paged-long letters of apology had failed, all that was really needed was a cold beverage and a hot memory to make amends.
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