Saturday, April 30, 2011

At Shibuya Station

Do not even use one picture you took of me the other day.

You take too many pictures.

We think differently.

When I am alone, I take very few because what's in front of me is important.

Remember don't use my picture.


* From a mobile text message sent from a female photographer a couple days after we met and hung out for the first time (translated into English) .


  1. :-)

    I think she is beautiful and should be a muse more often

  2. Actually she turned out to be really weird... we just went for lunch and to see a gallery opening... that's it... and then one day she sent me a text telling me what I can't do and criticizing how I took pictures... That was what the text was about.

  3. Unfortunately I deleted the original email yesterday so I had to rewrite it from memory. anyways it was burned into my head because I was so so shocked by how rude and insane it was...

